Wo Meine Sonne Scheint is an artist-initiative based in Breda and Berlin and founded in Rotterdam in 2013 by Beatrijs Dikker and Bas Ketelaars. Our aim is to support artists in showing their work. We initiate site-specific group exhibitions in which the emphasis lies on making visible the artistic production process, in order to increase the accessibility of the works to local audiences. With our exhibition projects we hope to foster artistic experiment and encourage the development of new working methods.
Wo Meine Sonne Scheint is powered by the Foundation Wo Meine Sonne Scheint. The name comes from a German Schlager with the same name sang by Catharina Valente in 1957. The song is again a cover from the song Island in the Sun by Harry Belafonte and Lord Burgess. For us, the title refers to working site specifically, the act of creating space for art and shedding light on artistic processes and practices – which can basically happen anywhere.