Spazio XYZ is an exhibition space and a nonprofit association dedicated to the applied arts. Its goal is to find common ground for all expressive forms that involve our behavior and daily visual panorama but are rarely given the space for an organic exhibition in traditional art galleries.
The curatorial project represents a way of studying and sharing an ongoing dialogue on the state, evolution, and origins of our visual-design culture. XYZ inaugurated its first show in 2008 and has since hosted many different events (including performances, film shows, and temporary shops), which were set up thanks to a network of designers who are part of the association. The curatorial team is composed of five people and groups: Fabrizio Urettini, Tankboys (Lorenzo Mason and Marco Campardo), Simona Casarotto, Francesca Luise, and Studiomobile (Cristiana Favretto and Antonio Girardi). The space, located in the historic center of Treviso, in northeastern Italy, is designed to best display products as well as the processes of production behind them. At a time when we are bombarded with visual art products, XYZ transforms applied arts into an accessible new form of communication and knowledge, through a series of documents linked to a positive approach to the world of crafts and artifacts.