Galleria Huuto

Eerikinkatu 36, 00180 Helsinki, Finland

Galleria Huuto is located in Helsinki, Finland. Currently it maintains two spaces in the centre of Helsinki: a gallery on Uudenmaankatu and a brand new space located in the harbour area. In total, this comprises of two galleries, a video booth, project space, artist studios and an open lounge for public and artists alike. However Galleria Huuto is not merely confined to these premises. It can also inhabit other locations in the form of various events, projects and visits. Annually, Huuto organises as many as 35-50 contemporary art exhibitions.
Galleria Huuto is a platform for, and run by, independent artists. The galleries and exhibitions are open for all to apply. Freedom and independence of artistic work are the core values of the group and each exhibiting artist arranges the exhibition according to his / her own concept.

Active or inactive : Active
Country : Finland
City / Town : Helsinki
Online : Click here
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