Enough Room for Space

Sterstraat 10, 1620 Drogenbos, Belgium

Enough Room for Space (ERforS) is an interdependent art initiative that initiates and coordinates events, residencies, research projects and exhibitions worldwide. ERforS acts as freely as possible, always putting the context and the idea before the medium, challenging the barriers between different disciplines (artistic, scientific or activist).

Dialogue is central to the way ERforS has initiated and developed projects since 2005. Our aim is to closely relate both to the practices and interests of the artists involved and to the different contexts where we exhibit or produce new works. We take time to develop ideas parallel to each other, to experiment and exchange ideas relating to common fields of interest and explore adjacent fields of knowledge. For this reason we mostly work on long-term projects.

ERforS wants to expose, manipulate and invent different modes of being part of this constant changing world. How do we position ourselves, as Homo Sapiens Sapiens, towards emerging social, political and ecological issues, now and in the future? By working in different cultural contexts worldwide, ERforS tries to find its position and generate discussion.

Active or inactive : Active
Country : Belgium
Online : Click here
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