Embassy of Foreign Artists

Rue Subilia 45 / Carouge Genf CH

The Embassy of Foreign Artists (EoFA)* is a unique place for artists to live, work, conduct research, and share ideas. Our spaces inspire all stages of the creative process, from initial experimentation and reflection to the presentation of more finished work. EoFA’s primary goal is to welcome visiting artists and establish programming that encourages interaction with the general public, be they professionals, amateurs or just curious. EoFA also organizes large-scale events where local and visiting artists from various artistic practices (music, dance, performance art, installations, readings, etc.) can meet and collaborate. Establishing itself as a generator of original ideas through its projects and events, EoFA is a crucial part of Geneva’s artistic community, sought out by established and emerging artists both in Switzerland and abroad.

Active or inactive : Active
Country : Switzerland
City / Town : Genf
Online : Click here
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