Agnès B – Galerie du Jour

Agnès B – Galerie du Jour, 44 Rue Quincampoix Paris France

Often overlooked in the shadow of the Centre Pompidou, Agnès B is named after the owner of the gallery, who explains, “We say gallery, but we could also say a place for showing the other faces and the side issues of things.” Featuring about 10 different shows per year, the gallery has quietly become renowned for its mix of cherry-picked painters, photographers, and sculptors. In 2009, the gallery added its own library, which is a paper palace of press cuttings, reviews, books, objets d’art, as well as the in-house publications which are reinvented each edition, featuring a new artist and capturing their style and motivations in glossy pages.

The gallery will move, new address to be announced soon!

Active or inactive : Active
Country : France
City / Town : Paris
Online : Click here
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