
Meiersmattstrasse 17 Adligenswil CH

_957 is the young exhibition space in A4 booklet format. On each 24 or more pages _957 presents contemporary artists or negotiates observations from public space. Since 2012 on the road, an issue is being published almost monthly. Mostly without text the booklet trusts in the expressiveness of the pictures. Thinking in pictures does not mean to indulge in indeterminacy. Time and again, the magazine puts itself at risk, exploring diverging ideas and bringing a variety of demands into a visual tension. The independent art magazine will be shown in Berlin, Stockholm, Rosebud, Adligenswil and other important locations in 2018.

Active or inactive : Active
Country : Switzerland
City / Town : Adligenswil
Email : 95@t957.ch
Online : Click here
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