
Zeta Gallery and center

Tags: public art, collaboration, painting.

Zeta's goal is to cultivate and promote public, contemporary art. We consider our goal as an inherent characteristic of emancipated societies. Through exhibitions, presentations, collaboration projects on local, as well regional and international level.

Zeta Center started its activities in 2007.  It is a non-profit center focused on visual arts that promotes collaborative, professional practices between the artists and curators, critics, researchers and other art professionals, in order to contribute to the establishing of an active contemporary art scene in Albania.

Kosta Koçi

These oil paintings of Kosta Koci is realized during this period in Albania. It presents portraits of young Albanians in their passivity day life. The painting is a piece of a cycle “Waiting…”, and revels the atmosphere of that time.

Kosta Koçi, “Waiting…” oil on canvas, 70 x 100 cm, 2010

Albani Shoshi

Albana Shoshi is acknowledged by Zeta Galeri as being  a contemporary painter of the realism of our time.

Her paintings portray her close and better known subjects. Through an photorealistic approach, she makes the public 'feel' the images, as if they are ready to shake, move, talk, laugh, or jump at us.

Perhaps Albana Shoshi thinks that her painted subjects are more “real” then the photographic truth. She is one of the artists that brings her images to the public along with her version of the imagination on what’s real.

Albana Shoshi, “Screaming voice”, oil on canvas, 110 X 160 cm, 2008.

Shpëtim Kërçova

Shpëtim Kërçova‘s drawings represent remaining pieces of destroyed children's playgrounds.

The artist has realized them in color pencil by connecting the subject with the technique (medium). The pieces are composed separated from the original habitat and presented as single subjects with their own history.

The reflection of Kërçova contemplates the origin of the subject and presents unique two dimensional objects with a minimal aesthetic.


Shpëtim Kërçova, “Objects”, pencil on paper, series of 9, 20 X 30 cm, 2008.

30 June 2017 / by / in