Anica Vučetić/Radoš Antonijević/Selman Trtovac

Anica Vučetić/Radoš Antonijević/Selman Trtovac

Anica Vučetić

Since 1999 she is working on video installations and environments, exploring unconsciousness, dreams, psychological processes as well as archetypal symbols. Experimenting with different projection-surfaces and screens she is undertaking an examination of real and virtual space locating the observers specific positions. I attempt to transform and materialize the inner theatre from mental screen to the outer space, so that the observer is provided with a complex territory to question the relationship to his own sub-consciousness.

Radoš Antonijević

Educated as a classical sculptor, re-examines the medium of sculpture and its borders through the creation of artworks which problematize the questions of function, materiality and perception. This formal research is always involved in the topics that touch neuralgic points of life, dealing with the aspects of history, politics, culture and society. His works of art which confront the function and shape have the epic nature with the ingredients of comic and tragic in the same picture. This epic nature is evident in his need for monumental and self-sufficient forms which can be seen in his tents-churches, personal museums of contemporary art or a church military barbecue trailer.

Selman Trtovac

The work of Selman Trtovac has begun to develop at a time of all well known terrible circumstances and events from the last decade of 20th century in Yugoslavia, as an indirect but undoubtedly the artist’s intimate, human, and in the final instance political reaction to those circumstances and events which he could not more effectively in reality oppose expect with artistic symbolic acting. In stead of being just the work of this artist, his work is almost a sublimation of a superindividual and common generational existential experience.

All three artists, among other, are highly contributed to the creation of a artistic micro utopia Third Belgrade.

Third Belgrade is an art group functioning upon a model of agricultural cooperative from old socialistic traditions.
TB is an applied example of the artistic expression of ethics.
TB is an event in itself, a radical attempt of practical implementation of collaborative art gathering.
TB is a building, gallery, residential space for artists, studio and an organization of visual artists.
TB is a conceptual framework for exploring of the politicization strategies of contemporary art.
TB is not trying to work within the idea of global political project, but the field of micro politics instead.
TB is a manifestation of our civic responsibility.
Third Belgrade is our art work!

Third Belgrade emerged from group of artists’ response to the many issues found in art and society today, the need to create a new micro-utopia, a new parallel world within the micro political context; to create artistic cradle network platform to connect with similar artistic initiatives; to enable artists overcome the problems of fragmentation, manipulation and instrumentation generated by political and economic power.

The name Third Belgrade derives from the urban planning denomination of the part of the city situated across the left bank of the river Danube, which is mostly rural and culturally irrelevant. This is the only artistic initiative ever to develop on the grounds best known as a working class slum on the borders of river’s swamp lands.

Third Belgrade is an initiative of eight artists: Salman Trtovac, Anica Vucetić, Radoš Antonijević, Milorad Mladenović, Oliver Parlić, Sanja Latinović, Rankop Đanković, Marina Marković and Marko Marković.

This is a group of artists with similar artistic sensibility and political inclinations. At the core of their initiative is the drive to alter the position of artists within society, by giving them the possibility to act on their convictions right now.

Third Belgrade is designed as a lively, dynamic and energetic center which brings together local artists with those from the region and the world, providing exhibition space, workshops and other educational content for general public. TB space consists of central gallery, the library, the club, as well as lounge spaces and residential premises suitable for lectures and workshops, and the garden used an open stage for various art events.

30 June 2017 / by / in

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